Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Post Interview Follow-Up

WARNING - This blog entry is about my thoughts and feelings about unemployment. Feel free to skip.

Do I call? Do I text? Do I email? Do I wash?

I was told I would hear from them early this week. Early this week to me means the end of play on Tuesday, at a push before 12 on a Wednesday. I still have not heard from them. I have sent them only one relatively uncreepy formal but not too suffocating or needy email since the third interview and that was yesterday. No response. This is making me so anxious that I feel I may be about to have a serious hives outbreak. Sexy. 

To me this is like waiting to hear back from a date. A third date no less. A third date with a sum total of no action. Therefore breaking the third date rule. According to the research I have forced myself to do as a means to comfort myself I have done nothing wrong; I was enthusiastic, attentive, I asked questions, I maintained eye contact, I told a couple of appropriate funnies, I dressed smartly  (in my eyes - my taste in clothes is usually  rainbow based and frequently low cut and questionable, so I compromised and went for a colour blocking outfit - no fashion crime was committed  younger sister "Gok'd" me). 

Reflectively the advice and forums I turned to on-line meant effectively I offered myself to them on a plate, by playing it to the letter. I obviously smacked of a  level of desperation that is always to be avoided when dating and when interviewing. Shit. I am never taking advice from internet job forums again. Is it possible I played it too perfectly? I am now even suspicious of myself. 

What is most annoying is that I have been continually checking me emails (JUST.IN.CASE) and have been quite abrupt to people who have phoned me and have found myself shouting " I HAVE TO KEEP THE LINE CLEAR IN CASE THEY CALL". Normally this would not be a problem and I would chat away until the cows come home, but because I have NO MONEY (thanks to the lovely people and their slow processing at the benefits office) I am unable to re-credit my phone and check my answer-phone messages. I should go back on a contract, but because I suffer from the most profuse form of verbal diarrhoea I can not risk it until I have a job.

Looking for more answers, I turned to my horoscopes to help me put things into perspective. Russell Grant has kindly informed me today that as a Cancer I can expect that
A visionary business owner will ask you to join their team. Adopt an open minded approach to your job. In the past, you were strongly tied to your title. This position will require you to be a lot more versatile. Be willing to learn aspects of other people's jobs, so you can fill in while they're absent. The more you know about how the entire organisation works, the more valued you will be. Besides, you could use a little variety in your work life

Just reading this raised my anxiety levels.

This waiting by the phone/laptop/constantly checking jobsites business also means my levels of personal hygiene have taken a downturn. I am literally at a loss at what to do with myself and as I can not go out because I have no money I have successfully avoided the shower for two days.  

I feel like I am beginning to develop an understanding of why the unemployed may suffer from mental health issues - it can really quickly unravel.The impetus to apply for further jobs and pursue other applications is weakened when awaiting the outcome of an interview.  For some reason I feel immune to this; I have qualifications, experience, resources and a support network, thereby I am highly employable.   

Increasing the ever flowing fountain of pointless knowledge

In the downtime I have (in between writing this drivel, applications and so forth) found the internet to have really helped me widen my general knowledge, hardly surprising there is a load of crap on here, including this, which is useful for the pub quiz team. I recommend searching the following and finding out about them for yourselves;

  • Why you should never trust a whale called Shamu. 
  • Why pandas are pretty stupid. 
  • Why physics is cool. 

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